K6666orochi relase the final version of Athena Asamiya. Yes, she's not beta version!
This versioncan not be comparedwith theBetas,for it isincredible!K6666orochiCongratulationsfor this excellentwork! Go to Download: Chars XIII and good play!
k6666orochi update Athena Asamiya from King Of Fighters XIII.This version isgreater thanbefore, andjust lookingforthemissinglittle tonote thatthe full version. Go to page: Download: Chars XIII -> Psycho Soldier Team -> Athena Asamiya -> Beta Update: 2012/05/12 to experience thisnew and improvedAthena!
Download now 2nd beta version of N.E.S.T.S Kyo Kusanagi here and now!
What's new ?
Fixed-portraits -Fixed various movements Fixed-q commandstobe morefaithfulto the original (except for some qmewereimpossible todo withthe keyboard) -Balanced the amount of energygained byusingspecialqagainst air -Added SuperCancel,CancelMax, Counter, Dizzy stateandGuard Cancel -Added missingsounds(I think theyareall) -Added EFFECTSexplosionwhen it hitsan opponent witha fire attack -Fixed all bugs(I think) mentioned in eterna1flamefeedback(ie, theflamedisappearswhen loadingOrochinagy)